Safeguarding Officer - Mrs Aysha Pettit
Please raise any issues / concerns through the club secretary Jackie Bick in the first instance jackie.bick@wodsonmail.co.uk mob : 07910 763789
Dickon Turner (Safeguarding and Welfare Manager or Lead Safeguarding Officer) or Carolina Hutchinson (deputy Lead Safeguarding Officer) on 01509 277850 (choose option 6) or by email besafe@englandnetball.co.uk.
you can use this online form to Report a Safeguarding Concern - Please speak with Aysha first who will make the referral with you if required.
If it is an emergency call 999 or 101.
England Netball
Everyone has a part to play in ensuring that the young people and adults at risk in netball are safe and getting the most they can from their involvement in the sport. Being involved in sport can bring many benefits including confidence, health and friendships, but we know that people may come to netball with pressures, abuse or trauma in their life. This is why we also include wellbeing in our definition of safeguarding. We also recognise that a small minority of people find or seek opportunities in sport to abuse children or other vulnerable people, or to abuse their position of trust.
Wodson Park Netball Club take safeguarding of young people and adults seriously and do all they can to protect them.